It’s not easy to make choices in our daily lives that are green and good for the environment. We need to make green living a way of life if we want to live a green life for a long time. When we start living in a more natural way every day, we hurt the environment less and do more good for our bodies and souls. And as we learn more natural ways to live, our minds and bodies get used to being happier that way.
A morning journal and a sketchbook
When you wake up, write in your journal for the first ten minutes. By writing with a real pen and paper. Just ten minutes. The minutes right after you wake up can be magical, and it doesn’t really matter what you write as long as you write.
If you’ve never done this before, you should start right now. This small habit will help you clear your mind and give you a burst of creativity that might last all day. You might find it easier to talk about what bothers you if you write about it in small pieces.
People believe sketchbooks are just for artists. I think sketchbooks exist so that everyone can find their inner artist. A sketchbook is YOUR book, where you write down and draw your ideas, thoughts about your kids, and anything else you want. Have fun and draw. Make it a place where your ideas can flow.

Meditation is a very effective way to deal with stress and improve your health. It’s more important than ever, given how busy our lives are and how much we have to do.
Keep in mind that there is no one right way to meditate. The goal is just to calm down and quiet your mind.

A morning walk
A morning walk is a good habit for anyone to get into, especially if you have dogs and/or older kids in your family. Take a few minutes to breathe in the morning air and connect with nature. It’s very refreshing and good for you.

Yoga and exercise
Yoga, or some other form of exercise that stretches and strengthens the body, is an excellent habit to adopt early in life. Yoga is a convenient form of exercise that can be practiced anywhere; all you need is a yoga mat to get started.

We have constant access to technology and the Internet. Unplugging enables you to better connect with nature and other people, as well as to learn how to cope with device-filled lives.
In fact, I believe that disconnecting may be one of the most effective ways to lessen the number of stress-related issues we face today.

Drinking lots of water
Water is essential for maintaining good overall health, including skin, digestion, a healthy weight, and general vitality. A large glass of water should be consumed as soon as one awakens.

Natural remedies before anything else
If you have chronic concerns, try natural therapies before turning to powerful medications. Migraines are typically managed by a mix of stress reduction and diet. the neti pot is generally effective in treating sinus problems.

Now, let's ask ourselves, how many things have we done to live a more natural lifestyle?