Every person’s dietary needs are different, but if you’re noticing these effects, it might be time to cut back on meat.
What happens when you eat too much meat?
You’ve probably heard different ideas about whether it’s good or bad for you to eat meat. Even though no one knows for sure what the right answer is, experts and researchers have found that eating too much meat can make you more likely to get sick. Here are some things that might happen to your body if you eat too much meat.
You could feel sleepy
Protein is thought to give long-lasting energy, so you might be surprised if eating a lot of meat makes you feel tired. Protein is hard to get rid of because it takes a long time to digest, but it won’t give you a quick boost like carbs do: Caroline Passerrello, a registered dietitian and nutritionist who speaks for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that carbs quickly break down into glucose, which is the body’s most easily accessible source of energy.

Your hair and skin might not look their best
If you’re eating too much meat, it’s likely you’re skimping on other nutrients as well. When eating meat instead of fruits and vegetables, you may be low in vitamin C, which is not found in animal products. Collagen is a protein that provides structure to the skin, hair, nails, bones, and more. Vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. Jenna Braddock, a registered dietitian nutritionist and the founder of makehealthyeasy.com, explains that if you’re deficient, you may feel changes in your body. “You may have lumpy and rough skin.” She adds, “You may see some unusual body hair growth,” as a result.

You could get sick more often
A lack of vitamin C shows up in more places than just your skin. If you can’t seem to get rid of a cold, you might want to change the way you eat. “If you’re on a keto diet, you probably don’t eat much fruit,” says Braddock. “But fruit is one of the best ways to get vitamin C.” You can get the nutrients you need from broccoli and peppers, as well as other vegetables.

You could get constipated
Fiber is something you usually get from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Braddock says that if you don’t get enough fiber, you might have trouble going to the bathroom and have painful bowel movements. Add healthy carbs like whole grains or, even better, fruits and vegetables to get your system back on track. Braddock says that going back to fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to get fiber because you also get a lot of great nutrients.

Your heart could be in danger
Fiber can also help keep your body from taking in cholesterol, which can be good for your heart. If you choose red and processed meats instead of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other sources of fiber, it’s even worse for your heart. These kinds of meat are high in saturated fats, which research shows raises “bad” LDL cholesterol and, in turn, the risk of heart disease.

Your body might have to battle inflammation
A study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that the saturated fats in meat can make the body more inflamed. Also, compared to fruits and vegetables, meat has very few antioxidants that fight inflammation. “People are told to ‘eat a colorful diet’ because each of the pigments that give fruits and vegetables their colors belong to a different group of antioxidants that help the body in different ways,” says Braddock. She says that you should eat one more fruit or vegetable every day to make sure you’re getting enough. She says that you should try to have at least two cups at dinner and lunch, one cup at breakfast, and extras as snacks. You could also try the flexitarian diet if you want to eat less meat but don’t want to give it up completely.
You might gain weight
You’ve probably heard that protein is the best way to get the toned body you want from going to the gym. Even though the body needs protein to build muscle, too much of it can have an unintended effect: Braddock says that if you eat more protein than your body needs, you don’t store it as protein. Instead, you store it as fat. “It doesn’t help unless you also make your body work harder.”

Your cancer risk could increase
The American Institute for Cancer Research says that eating processed meat often in any amount can make you more likely to get stomach and colorectal cancers. Scientists haven’t been able to figure out why this link exists, but Passerrello says it could be because of the saturated fats in these foods. Try replacing some beef, pork, and processed meats with chicken or plant-based proteins like legumes.

You might become dehydrated
When you eat a lot of meat, your body makes more uric acid as it breaks down the proteins. This can make you feel more thirsty. Passerrello says, “The kidneys do need more water to dilute these dangerous waste products.” “We have to get water out of our bodies to make that urine.” If you’re not careful, that could make you dehydrated, so drink lots of water to make up for it.

You could contribute to climate change
Even if you’re not worried about your health, you might still want to eat less meat to help the environment. You could help reduce greenhouse gases by giving up all or some meat and replacing those calories with fruits and vegetables. Braddock says, “Even if you eat a little less animal protein, you can help eat a little more sustainably.”